Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricane Isaac and horse evacuations

What you do if you had two horses and a three horse trailer and a hurricane was about to come your way? You'd most likely take your horses and trailer and evacuate to a friend's house or something.

Now, what if you had 30 horses?

Lots of horse trainers live along the coast and deal with lots of tropical storms and the occasional hurricane. But how would you evacuate that many horses? You'd have to have a lot of trailers. And a lot of people willing to help out.

With Hurricane Isaac approaching, lots of people are evacuating their horses out of the storm's path.

Luckily, where I am, we're only getting the east band of it (which has a lot of wind and rain) but we don't need to evacuate our horses. Instead, we built stalls inside our barn for them to stay out of the rain. My youngest sister's show horse HATES rain, so the stalls are a must for her.

Here is a FaceBook page helping people with horses with evacuations:

This is a picture of Hurricane Isaac. Scary!
In other news, the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program is holding an Adoption Day at the High Desert Museum in Bend, OR on Sept 1, 2012!
 Demonstrations will begin at 11am with the adoption at 2pm. For more information visit: http://www.highdesertmuseum.org/.docs/record_id/10699/pg/10039

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