Thursday, October 11, 2012

Employment Period: I don't want it to be over!!

Unfortunately, my employment with the Mustang Heritage Foundation's Youth Employment Program will soon be over.

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting more in-depth and sharing what I know about the marvelous world of Mustangs, and I will be very sad to see it come to an end.

However, I will always be an advocate for Mustangs--and a personal lover of the amazing breed! I will continue to spread this love and respect of these wild horses as much as I can within my own community, and I encourage anyone who loves Mustangs to do the same!

It costs nothing to spread the good word of these horses--their talents, and their legacy--and who knows? You might even help one find a home!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jasmine is growing up!

Docs Princess Jasmine is my little Mustang mare, and I absolutely love her!

I first adopted Jasmine when she was but a yearling, after I competed in the EMM Youth Edition in 2011. Since then, I have turned her out to pasture to let her "chill out"; coming from completely wild to completely tame within 90 days is hard work, and she needed the breather!

I went out to pasture just the other day to see how she was doing, and she's really grown up! She's only two years old, but she's as broad across her back as any medium-sized horse! I'm planning on breaking her in the summer of next year, when she's 3. I can't imagine how much bigger she'll be by then!

Jasmine hasn't gotten much taller, but as far as thickness goes, she's twice what she was at this time last year. The herd she comes from is rumored to have a fair bit of Percheron blood, and I am definitely starting to see the similarities. For one thing, my formerly black mare is turning grey!

My older sister's Mustang, Docs Golden Allegro--who is 4 this year--is her complete opposite. Whereas she is short and broad, Allegro is tall and lean--not unlike a Thoroughbred.

Watching my family's Mustangs grow is just another example of how unique and diverse each herd is. Every Mustang has their own story, their own bloodlines, and every single one grows up differently!